Visiting the local museum is not all fun and games as it once was. It's now turned into something of a nightmare... especially for you, because ur the type of person who gets lost easily... very easily. Today has been one of those days - a day where you can barely find ur own feet, let alone find out where the frook u are. This is where the game begins. After several hours of enjoying artwork and other things at the museum, u discover u are lost. No matter what u do, u can't find a way out. Finally the museum closes for the day, leaving u locked inside with all the creepy things one might find in a museum. So begins this escape game.
Your objective is to get unlost, find things of use, and of course, get out of the museum before the morning. U have to go home and feed ur cat. It gets very upset if it is not fed on time... and this could be a late feeding if u can't figure a way out. Of course, if u get really really stuck, u can use the walkthrough to cheat your way out... but is that as satisfying as working it out on ur own? WELL??