Carl the former nobleman, now turned zombie isn't happy with his lot in life. Being a zombie is not wot he expected, and now wants to be restored back to his former human glory. Well under normal circumstances, being zombiefied is not a reversable process, but Carl is hoping that the mad scientist, Tesla, may be able to help.
Your platform-adventure begins... well at the beginning. You have to cross the puzzling, platformy land to find the aforementioned scientist. You will encounter obstacles and other challenges, which will require brain power. Also, in this game, you must use your head... literally. Removing your head comes in handy for getting around the place. Use your head to activate buttons and the like. Look around for other heads that may also be of use on your journey towards humanity.
Your journey towards humanity has begun. Being a zombie is such a drag, so don't remain one. Tesla will be there, at the end of the journey too reverse the zombiefication process and make u a nobleman again!