After your lunch in London (bangers, mash and some human), it's time for the main meal of the day... and ur feeling like something classical... something that matches ur 3 Michelin star palate... ur eating French tonight. Where better for a T-Rex to dine out on French than in Paris itself!
It is ur objective in this action game to create a nice amount of chaos by eating, smashing and burning everything that appears on each level. Don't leave any people behind, u need to eat them all up ... good and proper.
Oh, it's not by any measure an easy dinner, u may have to contend with cops trying to shoot u while u dine on the fine French cuisine. Try not to let them spoil ur feast!
Eat things that help u breath fire... cooked food always tastes better than raw... right?
Go nuts with the smashing and crashing of things... life without a bit of mayhem is boring. Eat well and enjoy ur dinner.