Spooky Island Survival Escape 3
So u find yourself in a castle now. A castle ruled by a cloaked figure, very similar to Death himself, though lacking the trademark scythe he seems to like carrying around with him. As with Mr Pumpkin Head in Day 2 of this adventure, you must complete a task or two for Mr Death. Do that and he may very well help you get off the island and back to something resembling normality, where people are people and there are no talking pumpkins (except for politicians of course).
Move around the island and collect things that are of use, in addition to what the cloaked figure wants. Do this quickly and do it safely and you will survive the day.
If you've completed this day and survived, move onto day 4
Games in this series:
Spooky Island Survival Escape 2
Spooky Island Survival Escape 1

October 20, 2014 1:25 PM
Right-click game to play full-screen (if available)
Mouse point and click