This word game continues on from Word Play 1, but in a slightly different way. You still have to figure out the puns from the cool artwork, but this time however, it is a bit more challenging - you actually have to type in the puns.
The problem with this version is that if you do not type your answer correctly, with capitalisation and correct spelling, the game will see it as incorrect. Sooooo for frooks sake, use capitals at the beginning of each answer and for names, and try not to make any spelling mistakes.
I know I know, I can hear you now complaining about the capitalisation issue. Sorry, but I didn't make the game. If you put aside your ill feelings for the capitals issue, you will actually find the game enjoyable and challenging. If you need help with some of the puns or with the capitals issue - you can cheat and use the walkthrough to the right.
Thinking caps on, peeps!
If you haven't already, go play the first Word Play game