Welcome to the Tournament of Voltagen, where combat teams of varying numbers compete against each other to determine the most powerful being in the stickman universe. The current champion has never been beaten.
Any combination of martial arts, street fighting and superhuman powers can be used to wipe out your opponents.
Be prepared to face off on the toughest group of peeps u have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Use all the skills you learn during the in-game tutorial. They are essentiial if you want to defeat the enemies as they come at you again and again in the arena.
The matrix style moves you can use are unique to this game and have never again been repeated elsewhere.
Have fun playing the best arena combat game that has ever been made!
Let the games begin!

January 11, 2021 4:44 PM
Right-click game to play full-screen (if available)
Read in-game instructions - lots of keys for moving and attacking your enemies.
Play the original SWF version here