The game is a challenging retro shooter with a unique upgrade system that involves collecting power-ups. However, when you collect a power-up (P) that does not mean you have upgraded immediately. You get to choose how to use those power-ups to upgrade your general stats:
- speed of your ship (you need 1 power-up)
- power of your weapon (you need 2 power-ups)
- fire rate of your weapon (you need 3 power-ups)
- bombs (you need 4 power-ups)
- lives (you need 5 power-ups)
There are 2 additional weapons to be collected as you play: missiles and side gun.
Right-click game to play full-screen (if available)
Use the arrow keys to move
Press 'A' to shoot left
Press 'D' to shoot right
Press 'S' to activate your current power-up level
Press 'W' to release a bomb