Site news

May 17th, 2006

I admit it, I forgot about the site news section again. As always, we've been busy trying to get more games out and working on giving you guys better games.

Check out our new cool game, Bow Man 2 - it's cool, simple and addictive.

Not much else happening, except we're probably moving over to China later on this year! eeeeeek!

November 19th, 2005

OK, so I've been slack with posting news - in fact I forgot we had a news section. We've been busy the last couple of months creating new online games for the site. Our most recent and perhaps my favorite game creation is Planet Gobbler. Check it out, it's lots of fun and only takes a minute or two to play.

Thanks for supporting our site, visitor numbers are always increasing, but we need MORE... so please tell your friends about us!

New design
June 19th, 2005

We're in the process of updating the site design! YAY! Will slowly change all pages over in the next couple of weeks. I hope :P

Koala Lander

February 25th, 2005

We've released our new game, Koala Lander. Very Australian, lots of fun, check it out here. Webmasters can add this game to their site for free, click here.

Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2005

Wow, is it another year already? Thanks to everyone for making 2004 a great year for FreeWorldGroup. We've grown beyond all expectations and will hopefully continue to grow in 2005.

Many new features and games on the drawing board. So stay tuned, and remember to visit often!

Puzzles, puzzles and more puzzles
November 15th, 2004

We've added a new crossword puzzle section to the site! It's jam-packed full of puzzles of every kind (well almost). We will be adding a new puzzle every day, so you'll never be puzzleless! Check it out: crossword puzzles!

Server problems
November 8th, 2004

Our server is currently being upgraded, so you may experience some loading problems. Hopefully all games will be working properly in the next hour or so. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Last week we moved servers due to problems with our existing server. Hopefully after this upgrade issue is resolved all will go well with the new server. Stick with us people, all will be running as it should be soon.

Tournament games section
September 12th, 2004

We've added a brand new tournament games section. Compete against other people for top player rankings and for game prizes. It's free, it's easy and it's fun. Check it out!

Streamlined site design
August 31th, 2004

To celebrate the end of the Olympics we decided to speed things up on the site. Now with fewer graphics and a more efficient design our site should load faster for all visitors. Enjoy.

New partnership
August 18th, 2004

We've set up a new fast games downloads section via a new partnership arrangement with Check out the games, they are all very cool, only take a minute or two to download and some can be played online.

Free game downloads!
July 9th, 2004

We've partnered with Trymedia Systems to give you free full game downloads! Download them and play offline! Great new releases and fantastic classics. Check them all out - you'll be impressed with what you can get for nothing.

Humor section
June 25th, 2004

A new humor section has been added to the site! You can find your way there by clicking on the humor link on any main page (left hand side). We've partnered with Jason Love to deliver his very unique sense of humor to FreeWorldGroupers.

New site mascot
June 24th, 2004

The bot is gone! Long live the koala! Graphic designer Yasmine Sasannejad has been working hard creating a new koala mascot for FreeWorldGroup. It's very cute and very us.

The new koala images have been added to the products in our store. Everything is at near cost price, so please show your support for the site by getting yourself something.

New partnership!
June 14th, 2004

We've partnered with to deliver you some very cool multiplayer games. Some of these games have already been added! Stay tuned, more games are to come.

500 games!
June 11th, 2004

We've finally reached the 500 game milestone! It's been a hard long road finding games on a daily basis, but we're doing it and doing it well.

We're very proud of the approach we have used to get new games. Unlike many other sites, we get owner permission to host games that have copyright notices on them and/or do not appear to be freeware. This is an important practice (both legally and morally) and I hope other sites adopt this approach as well.

On other matters, our email server has been playing up for the last couple of weeks. Because of these problems, we haven't sent out our weekly newsletter. Sorry! hmmm and it appears to not be working again this week.

New chatroom
May 26th, 2004

I'm sure many of you have already noticed the new chatroom on the freeworldgroup site. It's been up for about 2 weeks now and we already have over 3500 registered users. Check it out, I'm sure you'll be impressed with the new interface.

New store!
April 5th, 2004

We've opened a new store with a ton of cool FreeWorldGroup stuff in it. Show the world you have taste! Buy something now before it's too late.

Stay tuned folks... a new site mascot and junior site mascot will be making their presence known very soon. Thanx to Yasmine Sasannejad for the new and cool design.

New partnerships
March 19th, 2004

FreeWorldGroup has partnered with to deliver newer and better games! You should be seeing the release of Fowl Words 2 in the coming days.

We've also developed healthy partnerships with, Downloads Manager and several other companies.

March 13th, 2004

We've decided to remove the chatroom from the FreeWroldGroup site due to the behaviour of a few problem individuals who could not be controlled.

The chatroom may be restored at some later date if we find a better method of managing users and user behaviour.

Server problems !!#%!@#!!
Feb 17th, 2004

I'm sure many of you have noticed that FreeWorldGroup has not been working consistently as of late. Our server has been experiencing problems due to the high traffic our site receives. Hopefully some of the problems have been sorted, but further hardware upgrades will probably be necessary in the near future.

Too everyone who has been affected... SORRY! Come back damn it!


Jan 20th, 2004

Best wishes for the New Year. I hope everyone has a very successful and peaceful 2004.

2003 was a great year for all of us at FreeWorldGroup. Starting from an initial visitor base of 0 is always daunting, but we managed to pull through. Significant site transformations and improved marketing strategies increased visitor numbers to over 30,000 visitors per day in a few short months. Right now we are getting over 40,000 visitors per day and climbing. We aim to increase visitor numbers another 10 fold in 2004 by improving site content, updating content and listening to our visitors.

Thankyou all for your support and please do come again!

Dec 5th, 2003

FreeWorldGroup has formed successful partnerships with a number of new companies including Casale Media, BidClix advertising and Google. Feel free to contact us if you have a proposal that might interest us.

New design is up and running!
Nov 13th, 2003

The the new site design (fish free) is up and running - YAY! It will probably undergo some minor surgery over the next week or so, but nothing major. Hope everyone likes it.

Nov 11th, 2003

We've added heaps of new games. We also reorganised some of the games on the games page. The new arrangement is more logical and we've added a sports section for our ever growing sports games. If you can't find a game it may have been moved to the games archive. Everything is listed alphabetically in different sections, so just look around, no games have been physically removed from the site : - )

New site design/theme
Nov 6th, 2003

After more than 2 years with a fish, it's time for a change. Although it was cute, it never made much sense. We are currently in the process of trialing a number of new designs. If you have any comments, feel free to contact us!

FreeWorldGroup rockets ahead
Nov 4th, 2003

The number of people visiting our site has grown exponentially in the last month or so. We are now getting around 10,000 visitors per day. Thankyou again to everyone who comes by for some fun.

Visitors, VISITORS, V I S I T O R S!!!
Oct 29th, 2003

FreeWorldGroup has received over 55,000 visitors this month! eeeeek! And there's no stopping them - over 26,000 visitors this week alone. Thanx to everyone who pops by for a quick game or a long one. Have fun : - )

Games for other internet sites
Oct 9th, 2003

We've added a '4 Webmasters' section to our site. This resource is for anyone who would like to add FreeWorldGroup games to their site. Our game code can be placed on any page of someones site and the game will then be displayed. A nice easy way to make your site more fun for visitors!

As always, we've been adding new games and freebies to the site.

Goodbye forum, hello Site News page
Aug 4th, 2003

We've decided to remove our site discussion board. It's use was more or less limited to relaying site news, so we decided to simplify things and create an html page dedicated to displaying site news. So here it is!

New Games! New game types
Jul 10th, 2003

We've been adding many new games to our site. We are now getting more sophisticated looking games that use Flash instead of javascript or html. These games have better graphics and more interesting game play, but you will need vers. 5+ browsers to play and a Macromedia Flash plug-in.

I hope this move towards Flash games does not adversely affect too many users! In any case, there are still many games that can be played on older systems/browsers.

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Change in exchange ratio
Jun 2nd, 2003

We've changed our banner exchange ratio to 5:4. This is a much better ratio than other banner exchanges! Join now! We're always looking for quality new sites.

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Everything is up and running again
May 20th, 2003

The last 5 or so days have been little less than a nightmare. We've finally set everything up on the new server and everything seems to be working as it should (touch wood etc.)
Thanks for sticking with us through these turbulent days - there were moments when I wanted to throw in the towel and run away.

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New server
May 17th, 2003

We are changing over to a new improved server in the next couple of days. This will mean that the site may be down or not working completely for a couple of hours during this period. Rest assured, everything will be fully operational by the weekend.... (fingers crossed... touch wood... etc).