Walkthrough for game The Life Ark - Click here to play the game.
Click stone tablet on the ground and the solve logic puzzle.
- Once puzzle solved a socket will appear.
- Pull the cord under cloud to make it move to a position above the socket - pull again to stop it when in position.
- Click on the socket and the cloud will plug itself in.
- When cloud turns black, click on plug to remove it.
- Move cloud above the rock on the volcano.
- Click the rock, and lightning with split it and a flame will appear next to volcano.
- Click on the door to the volcano.
- Keep selecting the center button until both symbols point to fire.
- Wait for the door to open, and then click the small fire created by the lightning.
- The fire will enter the volcano and cause the teapot to start boiling.
- Position the cloud over the teapot, then click on the smoke rings to fill it with water -when the cloud changes color, move it to above the small lake.
- Click the lake, and water will fall to the ground.
- Once the water has caused everything to grow on the island, click the trees near the second lake and an apple will fall.
- Click the cave opening and an alien comes out.
- Click the apple and the alien will eat it.
- After the alien sprouts an antenna, click him and the UFO will come for him
- Now click the cave again and a cavewoman comes out.
- Click at a place along the stream near the cave opening (watch for your cursor to change).
- The cavewoman will reroute some water to the small plant by the cave entrance, which will grow into a long vine.
- Click the plant to climb to the top.
- After the cavewoman takes the space debris, click on the fire in the volcano
- The cavewoman will throw the debris in the fire, and the smoke will turn the teapot into a ufo.
- Click the ufo symbol on top of the hill.
- Another teapot will appear and pour golden liquid on the hill.
- Click the mist where the golden liquid is falling and it will turn into an ark.
- Click on the door on the ark and solve the puzzle.
You've just created life! Well done!